Sunday, April 24, 2011

an unexpected easter basket.

My mom is superwomen disguised in adorable blonde wispy hair, pastel sweaters, short skirts and sandals. She never 'just didn't get around to doing something.' She's one of those people that is extremely busy, finishes everything by it's deadline, makes everything she touches extremely cute, and does it with apparent ease. 

For example? She just sent the Easter Bunny my way via USPS. 
Let me tell you something: there is nothing quite as joyful as receiving a parcel in the mail that has your mothers handwriting on it. Especially when you don't expect it. Especially when it is an island style basket full of Lindt chocolate and candy and your favorite type of pen and a little adorable chick that actually chirps and a plastic egg with $ in it.

I guess a lot of moms are like my mom. But I just get that feeling my mom is so much cooler
No offense to your mother.

Thank you Eater Bunny, you've made this drizzly easter that much brighter!

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